Novak Djokovic Withdraws From the Mutua Madrid Open

Novak Djokovic Withdraws From the Mutua Madrid Open

The world number 1 tennis player Novak Djokovic withdraws from the Mutua Madrid Open. The tournament announced this on Twitter and wished him a speedy recovery. Recently he has had elbow and hamstring issues.


Penis Enlargement Breakthrough

There is a natural supplement based on the 2,000-years old African "super-penis" enhancement formula, which has been proven by more than 64,000 men to add more than 3" in just a few short weeks. 


What is the best way to lose weight

An incredible breakthrough was discovered by a teacher in the USA that has now led to over 200,000 women and men all over the world, who all suffered from varying degrees of obesity to burn away belly fat, skyrocket metabolism and boost energy levels.


Moscow To Throw Out More Than Twenty German Diplomats

Moscow To Throw Out More Than Twenty German Diplomats

A Russian foreign ministry spokesperson recently announced the expulsion of “more than twenty” German diplomats as a retaliatory measure for the expulsion of Russian embassy staff from Berlin. It appears foreign relations between these two countries is not the best.


Penis Enlargement Breakthrough

There is a natural supplement based on the 2,000-years old African "super-penis" enhancement formula, which has been proven by more than 64,000 men to add more than 3" in just a few short weeks. 


What is the best way to lose weight

An incredible breakthrough was discovered by a teacher in the USA that has now led to over 200,000 women and men all over the world, who all suffered from varying degrees of obesity to burn away belly fat, skyrocket metabolism and boost energy levels.


Hunter Biden's attorneys to meet with Justice Department

Hunter Biden's attorneys to meet with Justice Department

Next week Hunter Biden's legal team will meet with Justice Department officials in regards to three related tax crimes and a felony charge pertaining to a gun purchase.


Penis Enlargement Breakthrough

There is a natural supplement based on the 2,000-years old African "super-penis" enhancement formula, which has been proven by more than 64,000 men to add more than 3" in just a few short weeks. 


What is the best way to lose weight

An incredible breakthrough was discovered by a teacher in the USA that has now led to over 200,000 women and men all over the world, who all suffered from varying degrees of obesity to burn away belly fat, skyrocket metabolism and boost energy levels.


Best Games on PC 2023

Best Games on PC 2023

Here is the list:


OlliOlli World

Super Meat Boy


Hollow Knight

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

Knytt (Series)


A Hat in Time

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Sonic Mania

Shovel Knight Treasure Trove

It Takes Two

Another World

Spyro Reignited Trilogy



Penis Enlargement Breakthrough

There is a natural supplement based on the 2,000-years old African "super-penis" enhancement formula, which has been proven by more than 64,000 men to add more than 3" in just a few short weeks. 


What is the best way to lose weight

An incredible breakthrough was discovered by a teacher in the USA that has now led to over 200,000 women and men all over the world, who all suffered from varying degrees of obesity to burn away belly fat, skyrocket metabolism and boost energy levels.


WHO reports over 400 dead in Sudan fighting

WHO reports over 400 dead in Sudan fighting

The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that at least 413 people have been killed, and more than 3,500 people injured since conflicts broke out last week between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces in Sudan. UNICEF claim that 9 children were among the dead.


Penis Enlargement Breakthrough

There is a natural supplement based on the 2,000-years old African "super-penis" enhancement formula, which has been proven by more than 64,000 men to add more than 3" in just a few short weeks. 


What is the best way to lose weight

An incredible breakthrough was discovered by a teacher in the USA that has now led to over 200,000 women and men all over the world, who all suffered from varying degrees of obesity to burn away belly fat, skyrocket metabolism and boost energy levels.


Can manifestation bring good health and success?

Can manifestation bring good health and success?

I have being investigating quantum mechanics, ancient writings, human Psychology and many other things. I have now concluded that many people have got it wrong in regards to the essence of success and healing.

Law of Attraction techniques should be based on the laws of the universe. Manifestation using visualization is a way to reinvent yourself. You might ask yourself, "what is the meaning of life?" Understanding manifestation is a good starting point to explore what is the meaning of life.

Here is a manifestation method:

Number 1.

Forgive everyone in your life that has caused you heartbreak or grief and start to LOVE everything and everyone. You need to love everything including nature and animals. You don’t want to LIKE you want to LOVE. Also throw the past in the bin/trash like it never existed. We are creating a new you. Do not think about past events. You are a product of the past and we want a knew you.

Number 2.

Plant your ambition seed in your head. In my case I want to be a successful author on You might want to win the lottery so plant this seed in your head. If you are sick plant the seed that you want good health. If people you know are sick plant the seed that you don't want them sick. You can plant the seed for anything.

Manifestation and using top lottery software are a good combination

Here is a LOTTERY Software Link to some software that claims users win again and again.

Number 3.

My process is easy. I need to write and publish books and experiment with keywords so people can see my books and purchase them. In the case of a lottery start purchasing tickets on a regular basis.

Number 4.

Listen to 432 Hz or 528 Hz music and when listening to it you need to see yourself as successful. You DON’T want to be thinking I want to be successful you need to see yourself as successful. You need to see yourself walking around after you win the lottery. You need to smell the smells you would smell and the taste of the food you would be eating.

You need to let go of the past and on top of visualizing the new you, live your life as the new you.

You need to have love and compassion in your heart as you do this. In addition, you should listen to a 432 Hz or 528 Hz recordings (available on YouTube) while you sleep. You can use your phone to do this. Before you do this at night visualize yourself as the new you and in your heart of hearts believe this is not visualization and this is the new you.

Keep doing this everyday and don't let negativity or hate enter your mind.

Bill Gates knew Jeffrey Epstein was a sex offender

Bill Gates knew Jeffrey Epstein was a sex offender

Bill got to know Jeffrey Epstein in 2011. This was three years after Epstein pleaded guilty in a Florida State Court of procuring a child for prostitution and of soliciting a prostitute. He served approximately 13 months in custody. At this point in time thirty-six (36) girls, some as young as fourteen (14) years old had been identified, who Epstein had allegedly sexually abused. Bill enjoyed spending time with this sex offender and evidently Melinda warned him against it but he took no notice of her.

In addition, in the early days of Microsoft Bill used to take employees of Microsoft to strip clubs late at night. It is also said that Bill would go to a Seattle nightclub and pay money for dancers to come to his residence and swim naked with his friends / employees in his swimming pool. This is not hearsay and comes from reliable sources. Bill was no choir boy. We were led to believe that Bill was of sound character before all this information started to go viral on the internet. This information went viral around the time of his divorce and a lot of people who are familiar with these matters have come forward and said it is all true.


Penis Enlargement Breakthrough

There is a natural supplement based on the 2,000-years old African "super-penis" enhancement formula, which has been proven by more than 64,000 men to add more than 3" in just a few short weeks. 


What is the best way to lose weight

An incredible breakthrough was discovered by a teacher in the USA that has now led to over 200,000 women and men all over the world, who all suffered from varying degrees of obesity to burn away belly fat, skyrocket metabolism and boost energy levels.


Co-founder of Microsoft heard Bill Gates talking badly

Co-founder of Microsoft heard Bill Gates talking badly

Paul Allen was a co-founder of Microsoft and supposedly Bill’s best friend. When Paul Allen was first diagnosed with cancer in 1982, he overheard a conversation between Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Steve was Bill’s right-hand man at the time and eventually became the CEO of Microsoft. Paul Allen heard Bill and Steve talking about how they could force him out of Microsoft and dilute his stake in Microsoft. Paul Allen died in 2018. Paul described the events outlined in his 2011 memoir.


Penis Enlargement Breakthrough

There is a natural supplement based on the 2,000-years old African "super-penis" enhancement formula, which has been proven by more than 64,000 men to add more than 3" in just a few short weeks. 


What is the best way to lose weight

An incredible breakthrough was discovered by a teacher in the USA that has now led to over 200,000 women and men all over the world, who all suffered from varying degrees of obesity to burn away belly fat, skyrocket metabolism and boost energy levels.


Bill Gates Mugshot when he was arrested in New Mexico

Bill Gates Mugshot when he was arrested in New Mexico

If you want to see a real police mugshot of Bill Gates google this:

Bill Gates mugshot

The mugshot shows Gates in police custody in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Evidently Bill was detained for not having his driver’s license on him and spent a night in a prison cell. He did not have enough cash on him to bail himself out. I remember reading years ago that he used to speed in his car (s). Does this man have any respect for other commuters and loving families that use the roads? Bill was known as a speed demon / devil and got lots of speeding tickets. He even totaled / wrecked a friend’s Porsche. Gates told an interviewer named David Rubenstein that he would sometimes go out at night and drive around at high speeds.

“Fortunately, I didn't kill myself doing that," Gates jokes when being interviewed.

Personally, I don’t find this a joking matter because he put other people’s lives in Jeopardy.

I believe that Bill suffered from a my daddy is a lawyer mentality and it appears he has no understanding of actions and consequences in regards to reckless behavior that is life threatening to others.

One of his daughters is a doctor and is in the business of saving lives. In the past Bill put his life and the lives of others in jeopardy and at the time he thought it was a joke. The daughter I talk about lives in a $51 million residence. I read that that once Bill described religion as an inefficient allocation of time and as a child his parents were so concerned about him that they consulted a psychologist and he underwent a year of therapy.


Penis Enlargement Breakthrough

There is a natural supplement based on the 2,000-years old African "super-penis" enhancement formula, which has been proven by more than 64,000 men to add more than 3" in just a few short weeks. 


What is the best way to lose weight

An incredible breakthrough was discovered by a teacher in the USA that has now led to over 200,000 women and men all over the world, who all suffered from varying degrees of obesity to burn away belly fat, skyrocket metabolism and boost energy levels.


Secret 2000 Year Old Manifestation Technique

There is a video BELOW that provides some valuable information on how to use a manifestation process that is 2000 years and was deliberately...