Can manifestation bring good health and success?

Can manifestation bring good health and success?

I have being investigating quantum mechanics, ancient writings, human Psychology and many other things. I have now concluded that many people have got it wrong in regards to the essence of success and healing.

Law of Attraction techniques should be based on the laws of the universe. Manifestation using visualization is a way to reinvent yourself. You might ask yourself, "what is the meaning of life?" Understanding manifestation is a good starting point to explore what is the meaning of life.

Here is a manifestation method:

Number 1.

Forgive everyone in your life that has caused you heartbreak or grief and start to LOVE everything and everyone. You need to love everything including nature and animals. You don’t want to LIKE you want to LOVE. Also throw the past in the bin/trash like it never existed. We are creating a new you. Do not think about past events. You are a product of the past and we want a knew you.

Number 2.

Plant your ambition seed in your head. In my case I want to be a successful author on You might want to win the lottery so plant this seed in your head. If you are sick plant the seed that you want good health. If people you know are sick plant the seed that you don't want them sick. You can plant the seed for anything.

Manifestation and using top lottery software are a good combination

Here is a LOTTERY Software Link to some software that claims users win again and again.

Number 3.

My process is easy. I need to write and publish books and experiment with keywords so people can see my books and purchase them. In the case of a lottery start purchasing tickets on a regular basis.

Number 4.

Listen to 432 Hz or 528 Hz music and when listening to it you need to see yourself as successful. You DON’T want to be thinking I want to be successful you need to see yourself as successful. You need to see yourself walking around after you win the lottery. You need to smell the smells you would smell and the taste of the food you would be eating.

You need to let go of the past and on top of visualizing the new you, live your life as the new you.

You need to have love and compassion in your heart as you do this. In addition, you should listen to a 432 Hz or 528 Hz recordings (available on YouTube) while you sleep. You can use your phone to do this. Before you do this at night visualize yourself as the new you and in your heart of hearts believe this is not visualization and this is the new you.

Keep doing this everyday and don't let negativity or hate enter your mind.

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